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Shane Wilson


email mr. wilson

Eric Paul

Academic Dean

email mr. paul

Lisa Reeh

P-TECH Administrator

email ms. reeh

Bridget Thomason

Assistant Principal

Last Names A-F 

email ms. thomason

Austin Smith

Assistant Principal

Last Names G-M

email mr. smith

Lauren Sanders

Assistant Principal

Last Names N-Z

email ms. sanders

Chad Anderson

Instructional Coach

Kacey Forks

Instructional Coach

email ms. forks

Myra Chavez

Emergent Bilingual Instructional Coach

Campus Security

Roger Fuentes

School Resource Officer


Carole Gish, MSN, RN, NCSN 

call the clinic

Campus Behavior Coordinator

Under the requirements of Senate Bill 107, 84th legislature, TEC 37.0012, each campus must have a staff member designated as the Campus Behavior Coordinator. As a District of Innovation, BISD has opted to designate each administrator as a campus behavior coordinator.

BISD works collaboratively to determine discipline and ensure students are supported emotionally and socially in a restorative discipline approach. You may contact any of the administrators listed on this page by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns.

Boerne High School

Office Staff

Shanna Ramos

Principal's Secretary 


Ashley Pape

Discipline Secretary 


Karen Ellis



Jennifer Strong



Tricia Boles

Data Clerk 


Erin Tamplet

Attendance Secretary


Kristy Bergman

Front Desk Secretary