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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions...

1. What degree will I earn?

Through the Health Science P-TECH program, you will earn an associates degree in science.  This means that you will obtain dual credit through San Antonio College.  You will also earn industry-based certifications such as physician's assistant, phlebotomist, etc. 

2. Will my college credits transfer to another school?

Yes, you will need to check with the college or university that you plan to attend to see which credits are transferable.

3. What if I fail a dual credit class?  Do I have to drop out of P-TECH?

If you fail a dual credit class, you will not be out of the program.  However, you will not receive credit for the course.  You will need to re-take the class to earn credit towards your associate degree.  

4. Can I still play sports and be in P-TECH?

Yes, you can play sports and/or be in a fine arts elective and be in the Health Science P-TECH program.  The crosswalk that has been established between San Antonio Community College and Boerne ISD has electives embeded within it throughout all four years of high school.  If an elective is double blocked and there is not room in your schedule, your counselor will work with you to ensure you can participate in this elective; however, you may need to take a course during summer school.  We will work with each of our students on a case by case basis and support you in ensuring you can still participate in extracurriculars.

5. Do I have to go to summer school?

Summer school may be required.  This will be determined on case by case situations. 

6. Can I complete another pathway and still be in the Health Science P-TECH program?

Although you can take classes within another pathway, it will be difficult to complete two pathways within the Health Science P-TECH program.  This is due to the depth and complexity of the classes that you will be enrolled in through P-TECH.

7. How much does P-TECH cost?

The Health Science P-TECH program is free to all students admitted.  This includes tuition and text books required for your classes.

8. Can I choose to un-enroll from the P-TECH program?

Un-enrollment from the P-TECH program is highly discouraged.  A team of professionals will work with you to determine a recommended path in the program and help establish a plan to support you in completing the P-TECH program through your senior year.



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