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Health Science P-TECH Application

Boerne ISD will begin accepting applications to the district's Health Science P-TECH program on November 14, 2023 for the 2024-2025 school year.  Eighth-grade students who will be freshmen in the fall of 2024 may complete and submit an online application.  Students will begin the application by entering their email address and then answering a series of questions, as well as a written essay.  Students can apply through February 1, 2024.  


Applications for the 2024-2025 school year will open November 14, 2023.


The Health Science P-TECH program is open enrollment for all students.  Enrollment will be open to rising 9th graders and will add one grade level per year after the first year of implementation.  Click below to begin the application process for the Boerne ISD Health Science P-TECH Program.


Health Science P-TECH Application



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