Curricular Clubs
- Academic UIL
- Art Club
- Beta Eta Sigma National Science Honor Society
- Boerne Outdoor Academy (BOA)
- E-Sports
- Future Farmers of America (FFA)
- German Club
- Spanish Club
- Mu Alpha Theta National Mathematics Honor Society
- National Honor Society (NHS)
- National Technical Honor Society
- Prima Scripta National English Honor Society (NEHS)
- Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society
- Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Spanish National Honor Society)
- Speech and Debate Team UIL
- Student Council
- Texas Future Music Educators
- Thespian Honor Society
- Tri-M Music NHS
- Yearbook
Academic UIL
Join UIL!
Google classroom code: vnqyd2p
The University Interscholastic League offers the most comprehensive program of academic competition in the nation. UIL Academics offers more activities than any other UIL division, with 30 contests at the high school level. These activities, which exist to complement the academic curriculum, are designed to motivate students as they acquire higher levels of knowledge, to challenge students to confront issues of importance, and to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of specific skills. Students are challenged to think critically and creatively, exhibiting much more than knowledge and comprehension.
Google classroom has the practice times, coaches, sign up for meets, and additional information!
Events Include:
Accounting | Calculator Applications |
Computer Science | Congress |
Debate (LD & CX) | Journalism (News, Headline, Feature, Editorial Writing, Copy Editing) |
Literary Criticism | Mathematics |
Number Sense | Informative/Persuasive Speaking |
Poetry Interpretation | Prose Interpretation |
Ready Writing | Science |
Social Studies | Spelling & Vocabulary |
Ms. Sarah Green
Art Club
Beta Eta Sigma National Science Honor Society
Boerne Outdoor Academy (BOA)
BOA allows elementary school students the opportunity to learn through experience alongside parents, volunteers and a team of high school student leaders. This opportunity takes place in the unique Hermann Sons Camp. For three days students experience hiking, canoeing, water studies, crafts, team building and so much more!
Hello Greyhound Gamers!
We are currently exclusively playing Rocket League and Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. If you are interested in gaming or want a new hobby, please email a sponsor more information on how to join the esports team!
Competitions are typically held one Saturday per month. We hope to see you!
Meeting Time: 4:15p-5:30p @ Choir Room in Fine Arts Wing
Future Farmers of America (FFA)
German Club
Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 8:00am
The purpose of the German club is to promote the German language and culture as well as cultural awareness. Its other aims include making students aware of study abroad opportunities, stimulation interest in German, and collaborating with other cultural organizations to provide a more complete global consciousness at Boerne-Samuel V. Champion High School and in the community.
Membership: Any student is welcome to be a member of the German Club. Fluency in the German language or enrollment in German courses is not necessary.
What is HOSA? HOSA is an organization led by students interested in pursuing a career in healthcare.
What does HOSA do? HOSA is a national leadership organization whose mission is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality healthcare by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science education students. HOSA students compete in activities associated with the medical profession and have opportunities to learn more about the healthcare field through health-related field trips, guest speakers, volunteer opportunities and fundraising activities for national health agencies.
Dr. Vanessa Smith
Ms. Terri Signorotti
email ms. signorotti
Spanish Club
MEETINGS: Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Spanish Club is to promote the Spanish language and culture as well as cultural awareness. Other club goals include making students aware of study abroad opportunities, service opportunities, and collaborating with other cultural organizations to provide a more complete global consciousness at Boerne High School and in the community.
MEMBERSHIP: Any student is welcome to be a member of the Spanish Club. Fluency in the Spanish language or enrollment in Spanish courses is not necessary.
Mu Alpha Theta National Mathematics Honor Society
National Honor Society (NHS)
The National Honor Society was founded with the purpose of recognizing and encouraging academic achievement. The purpose of the organization is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in individuals.
Here at Boerne, you can be eligible to join the National Honor Society if you maintain a GPA of 92 or higher. We send out the invitations starting the fall of the students junior year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Taylor Seaman.
Induction Date: October 21st, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month
National Honor Society Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 school year (all start at 8:05 am, most at BHS Auditorium). Dates subject to change.
August 27th - Canceled
September 17th
October 8th
November 12th
December 10th - Fall Hours Due
February 11th
March 4th - Fees Due
April 15th - Spring Hours Due
May 6th- Seniors Celebration
Mr. Taylor Seaman
call mr. seaman
National Technical Honor Society
The National Technical Honor Society is an educational non-profit that exists to honor, recognize, and empower students and teachers in Career & Technical Education. As the honor society for Career & Technical Education, NTHS serves over 100,000 active members annually in both secondary and postsecondary chapters across the country.
Since its founding in 1984, nearly 1 million students have become NTHS alumni. NTHS honors the achievements of top CTE students, provides close to $300,000 in scholarships annually, and strives to help connect education and industry to build a highly skilled workforce.
NTHS helps members to:
- Seek postsecondary education by awarding over $300,000 in scholarships annually.
- Position themselves ahead of competition in today’s highly competitive workforce.
- Earn recognition for superior achievement in career and technical fields.
- Build career portfolios with professional letters of recommendation.
- Connect to global career and technical education networks.
- Discover opportunities with leading businesses and industry.
- Serve in leadership roles in communities and industries.
And most importantly . . .
NTHS helps schools recognize students for their achievement in career and technical education. Members receive a membership certificate in a professional presentation portfolio. In addition, members receive an official NTHS diploma seal, graduation tassel, lapel pin, and window decal to show their affiliation with NTHS.
Dr. Vanessa Smith
Prima Scripta National English Honor Society (NEHS)
Check out the information below from the National English Honor Society's official website.
About NEHS
The National English Honor Society (NEHS), founded and sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, is the only international organization exclusively for secondary students and faculty who, in the field of English, merit special note for past and current accomplishments. Individual secondary schools are invited to petition for a local chapter, through which individuals may be inducted into Society membership. Immediate benefits of affiliation include academic recognition, scholarship and award eligibility, and opportunities for networking with others who share enthusiasm for, and accomplishment in, the language arts.
America's first honor society was founded in 1776, but high school students didn't have access to such organizations for another 150 years. Since then, high school honor societies have been developed in leadership, drama, journalism, French, Spanish, mathematics, the sciences, and in various other fields, but not in English. In 2005, National English Honor Society launched and has been growing steadily since, becoming one of the largest academic societies for secondary schools.
As Joyce Carol Oates writes, "This is the time for which we have been waiting." Or perhaps it was Shakespeare: "Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer . . ." we celebrate English studies through NEHS.
"Gelast sceal mid are"
The NEHS motto, "gelast sceal mid are," is Old English for: "duty goes with honor." The motto represents one of the earliest forms of our language—it affirms and celebrates an obligation to use one's gifts in service to others. Service to peers, school, and community is part and parcel of the NEHS mission—and, indeed, in the grammatical structure of the Old English phrase, "duty" actually precedes "honor."
Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society
Mr. James Staples
Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society
Rho Kappa is a Social Studies Honor Society and is the only national organization for high school juniors and seniors that recognizes excellence in the field of Social Studies. Students attend meetings, coordinate service projects, and work to promote awareness of social studies on campus.
To be eligible for membership in the Rho Kappa chapter at Boerne High School a student must:
- have COMPLETED four (4) semesters of Social Studies. Courses include any combination of World Geography, World History, Sociology, Psychology, and US History. (includes honors and AP) AND
- have been enrolled at Boerne High School for a minimum of one semester.
- have a minimum overall grade point average of 85 and a minimum grade point average of 85 in advanced placement social studies courses and 90 in on-level social studies courses.
- show participation in activities that demonstrate civic engagement in school or community.
- have the recommendation of a current faculty member.
Applying for Membership
New members must fill out an application and submit it along with a transcript that includes an overall GPA by Friday, Sept. 13th. Applications can be obtained from and submitted to Mr. Staples in G114. New inductees will be informed of their selection and expected to attend the chapter induction ceremony in October.
Member Expectations
Members must maintain the required standards that were used as the basis of membership selection, and must:
- have no more than THREE unexcused absences per year
- complete a minimum of 2 community service hours per semester
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Spanish National Honor Society)
Fausto Gutierrez Chapter
La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (SHH), “The Spanish Honor Society,” is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Spanish and is sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). The mission of La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is to recognize outstanding high school achievement in Spanish and to promote interest in Hispanic studies. Qualifying students are invited to join each year. To qualify, one must be a student of good character (with teacher recommendation) who has shown exceptional scholarship in Spanish and his/her other classes, has had at least 3 semesters of Spanish, currently be enrolled in Spanish 3 or above, and be in at least the 10th grade.
Members may find more specific information in the Society's Google Classroom.
Senora Lindsay Johnson
Speech and Debate Team UIL
MEETINGS/PRACTICES: NSDA Meeting Last Monday of Each Month 4:15 PM Room G105
Speech and Debate Practices n Person and Virtual (Times depend on day and event 4:15-6:30)
Events change from day to day. Google Classroom Code: hcjnwjj
Days for specific events: Monday-Friday Schedule TBD
Student Council
Student Council is a student-based civic organization designed to help promote school spirit and leadership among students.
- To develop positive attitudes and to practice good citizenship.
- To promote harmonious relations throughout the entire school.
- To improve student/faculty relationships.
- To improve school morale.
- To plan special events or projects.
BHS Student Council Membership / Student Leadership Course:
A rising Junior or Senior student interested in being a member (as well as an enrollee in the required TEA-approved Student Leadership Course) must enter the Election Process that occurs in April. Peer-elected as well as Interview-based spots are available.
Student Council Officers:
- President - Riley Scheidt
- Vice President - Ashlyn Mazur
- Secretary - Caleb Benchoff
- Publicist - Abby Smith
Meets on B Days during 6th Period
Mr. Paul Yoder
Texas Future Music Educators
Join the Texas Future Music Educators if you have any interest in pursuing music anytime after high school. Even if you just love music and do not want to continue after high school this can still be a fun opportunity for you.
Requirements: Must be in a music ensemble
Please contact: Mr. Person and Mr. Miranda for more information
TMEA Website Information:
Thespian Honor Society
The International Thespian Society is the only theatre honor society for middle and high school students in the United States. Affiliation brings credibility and distinction to students, theatre programs, and schools. It is a visible, positive symbol of the quality of your theatre program.
ITS recognizes, rewards, and encourages student achievement and celebrates the work of students in all aspects of theatre – performance and production. Each student is honored on a national level and gains access to opportunities and resources beyond those of their school.
Here at BHS ITS uses a point system that helps track student work, both on the stage, behind the scenes and in the audience. Students who earn 10 points are invited to become Thespians.
We meet every other week in the Blackbox to discuss upcoming events, performances, and lots more! Visit our website for more details:
Tri-M Music NHS
Tri-M is a national music honor society for students enrolled in musical ensembles. It is a chance to work with other musicians from other ensembles in groups that are not commonly found in traditional music classrooms. It is an opportunity to explore other genres and styles of music that are not performed by a typical band, choir, or orchestra class and dive into popular music, music with different instrumentation, and even original compositions.
Mr. Michael Fain
Boerne High School Yearbook is a student-driven, on-campus organization that produces a quality yearbook for purchase. The staff uses Balfour Publishing for printing and does exhaustive coverage of student events and interests, while maintaining the highest level of journalistic integrity. For information on being a part of the BHS yearbook staff, please contact Coach Trulove.